miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018

An eco-friendly decalogue for the school.

As you know our project is focused on some of the Sustanaible Development Goals from the United Nations. The title is "Taking care of our world" and we are going to read, investigate, create working about enviromental issues and ecology. In the website created for the project you will have all the information about it and all the final products we are going to do.  

Along this week of exchange at Colegio San Gregorio, we are going to work on how to help our school mates to be a bit more eco friendly, in order to create a better school, here in Aguilar but also in Holy Trinity School in Guildford.

To start we want you to have a look to the following video and you are going to work on it with the Thinking routine: The Headline. When you finish watching, you should offer to your classmates a headline  about the video and our topic: Eco-friendly schools.

STEP 1: Discuss with the members of your group if  your schools (San Gregorio and Holy Trinity) are eco friendly schools and if they can do a bit more about this topic.

STEP 2: Create a list of ten actions, tips or musts your school mates can follow in order of being a bit more eco friendly at school.

STEP 3: Let's design an Infography with your ten tips, actions or musts. These infographies are going to be posters along our schools so please try to do your best, clear letters, wonderful colours, good pictures, etc….
You are going to use Canva as a web tool for infographies.

STEP 4: Write the final post into your Digital Porfolio. Here you have an example about how to do it. (Be careful with the mistakes and the tags)

Teacher's assessment


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