martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

European Quality Labels for the project.

Congratulations! Your school has been awarded the European Quality Label for the excellence of  the work in the eTwinning project "Taking care of our world". This means that your work, the work of your students and your school have been recognised at the highest European level.

¡Felicidades! Su centro ha sido galardonado con el Sello de Calidad Europeo por el excelente trabajo realizado en el proyecto "Taking care of our world" de eTwinning. Esto significa que su trabajo, el trabajo de sus estudiantes y el de su centro ha sido reconocido al más alto nivel europeo.

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2018

Sellos de Calidad Nacional / National Quality Labels

Acabamos de concederte el Sello de Calidad de eTwinning por tu proyecto 
«Taking care of our world».

Proyecto bilateral con un centro del Reino Unido que incluye un intercambio de alumnos, movilidad al país socio.

Desde el Servicio Nacional de Apoyo a eTwinning en España nos han comentado lo siguiente al respecto de nuestro proyecto:

Las metodologías usadas en el proyecto son innovadoras y los productos variados, pero los dos centros han trabajado online casi siempre en paralelo. La mayoría de las actividades colaborativas son durante los intercambios presenciales. 
Se han trabajado las distintas competencias clave y se han tenido en cuenta los estándares de aprendizaje del área de lengua inglesa a la hora de planificar las actividades.

El Twinspace y el blog del proyecto están bien organizados y hay documentación sobre las actividades, los objetivos, el proceso de trabajo, etc. 
Se han usado varias herramientas de comunicación (foro del TwinSpace, Hangouts), de creación de materiales como Audicity, powerpoint... de evaluación como los portfolios con Kidblog... entre otros, de una forma creativa.

Se presentan cuestionarios del proyecto para los alumnos, docentes y familias, lo que demuestra el impacto que éste ha tenido, y se presentan los resultados.

Felicitamos al docente y a los alumnos por el trabajo realizado y le invitamos a tener en cuenta para futuros proyectos las siguientes propuestas. 

sábado, 2 de junio de 2018

Satisfaction surveys for the project




Creating an ecoSchool (final products)

Along a couple of weeks the students from Colegio San Gregorio have been working on the 3rd task of our eTwinning Project: "Creating an ecoSchool"

Here you can enjoy the final products for it:

Year 5A

Amine Ait Lahsouf's Post
Steven Álvarez's Post
Alba Arenas' Post.
Carlos Bravo's Post.
Ainoha Bustillo's Post. 
Marta de Dios's Post. 
Ana García's Post. 
Ainoha García's Post. 
Lorena García's Post. 
Andrés García's Post. 
Claudia Gómez's Post.
Lucía González's Post. 
Noa Hernández's Post.
Nahia Macho'sPost. 
Adrián Millan's Post. 
Naroa Mota's Post. 
Lucas Ortega's Post. 
Sergio Primo's Post. 
Hugo Ruiz's Post. 
Paula Salvador's Post. 
Daniel Vilda's Post. 

Year 5B

viernes, 1 de junio de 2018

Exchange week at Aguilar de Campoo (21st to 25 of May 2018)

During the week from 21st to the 25th of May, 20 students from the Holy Trinity School visited Colegio San Gregorio during a exchange week as part of the eTwinning Project: "Taking care of our world".

In the following story you can have a look about what took place during the week:

The following video pretends to be a graphic summary about that week:

Along the week the students of both schools worked together in a task as part of the project:

We have published all the infographies created by the students in the following post, all of them will be printed and spread around both schools walls and classes:

An eco-friendly decalogue (Final products)

Along the exchange week with the students from Colegio San Gregorio and the students of Holy Trinity Pewley Down School they have been working on the task of our eTwinning Project: Creating an ecofriendly decalogue for our schools. 

Here you can enjoy some of the final products for it:

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018

An eco-friendly decalogue for the school.

As you know our project is focused on some of the Sustanaible Development Goals from the United Nations. The title is "Taking care of our world" and we are going to read, investigate, create working about enviromental issues and ecology. In the website created for the project you will have all the information about it and all the final products we are going to do.  

Along this week of exchange at Colegio San Gregorio, we are going to work on how to help our school mates to be a bit more eco friendly, in order to create a better school, here in Aguilar but also in Holy Trinity School in Guildford.

To start we want you to have a look to the following video and you are going to work on it with the Thinking routine: The Headline. When you finish watching, you should offer to your classmates a headline  about the video and our topic: Eco-friendly schools.

STEP 1: Discuss with the members of your group if  your schools (San Gregorio and Holy Trinity) are eco friendly schools and if they can do a bit more about this topic.

STEP 2: Create a list of ten actions, tips or musts your school mates can follow in order of being a bit more eco friendly at school.

STEP 3: Let's design an Infography with your ten tips, actions or musts. These infographies are going to be posters along our schools so please try to do your best, clear letters, wonderful colours, good pictures, etc….
You are going to use Canva as a web tool for infographies.

STEP 4: Write the final post into your Digital Porfolio. Here you have an example about how to do it. (Be careful with the mistakes and the tags)

Teacher's assessment


martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

Eco-habits at Colegio San Gregorio (Survey)

This is the survey the students from Colegio San Gregorio have created to survey other schoolmates about the ecological habits they have when they are at school.



Eco-habits at Holy Trinity School (Survey)

This is the survey the students from Holy Trinity School have created to survey other schoolmates about the ecological habits they have when they are at school.

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2018

eTwinning Task; Creating an ecoSchool

As you know our project is focused on some of the Sustanaible Development Goals from the United Nations. The title is "Taking care of our world" and we are going to read, investigate, create working about enviromental issues and ecology. In the website created for the project you will have all the information about it and all the final products we are going to do.  

The third task will be related with the eco habits the students of the school have and how to promote new and good ecohabits on the school community.

This task is goint to have two different products and parts:
  • Survey about ecohabits in the school and the results we get from.
  • Presentation promoting eco habits in the school community.

STEP 1:  Let's open your learning diary, remember you have an example of it at the top of this section.
STEP 2:  The survey will have 10 questions two per each group. You have to create two questions in which you ask students of the school about ecohabits in the school. Maybe it would be great if you think in more than two just in case another group have the same of you.  REMEMBER TO FOLLOW THE RULE.

STEP 3: Along this step we are going to divided our groups because we are going to do two task at the same time.
  • The recorders will prepare de final Form to be ready for doing the survey.
  • The rest of the members of the group will look for 10 eco habits we can have in the school. (It should be real actions because you are going to take photos of it and write down about the habit using present continuous)

STEP 4: We are going to survey different school group in the school with the Forms, for that purpose, everybody will go to a class each group will take four or five students of this class and they will complete the form.
  • It will be a great idea if you choose a group of students more or less with the same range of age (like year 1 and Year 2 o year 3 and year 5)

STEP 5: Take photos of your group doing each one of the habits you decided at step 3. Try them to be clear they are going to be for a Presentation.

STEP 6: Create the Power Presentation, you can work in group but each student has to create their own presentation. You have the same pictures, but you will have your final product each one. The following presentation could be helpful as an example or you can download and modify from here.

STEP 7: You will take the final results of the survey and you will take a picture of the graphic with the results of one of the questions and you have to write down a sentences explaining these results.

STEP 8:  The leaders of each group will join to create a inphography with the final results in CANVA

STEP 9:  Create the final post here you have an example of it.(Take care about mistakes and about the tags) When you finish send it through Microsoft Teams to your teacher.

Teacher's assessment (60% of the final mark)

Self-assesment (20% of the final mark)

Peer's assesment (20% of the final mark)

lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

News about the environment (Final products)

Along a couple of weeks the students from Colegio San Gregorio have been working on the 2nd task of our eTwinning Project. 

Here you can enjoy the final products for it:

Year 5A

Amine Ait Lahsouf's Post
Steven Álvarez's Post
Alba Arenas' Post.
Carlos Bravo's Post.
Ainoha Bustillo's Post. 
Marta de Dios's Post. 
Ana García's Post. 
Ainoha García's Post. 
Lorena García's Post. 
Andrés García's Post. 
Claudia Gómez's Post.
Lucía González's Post. 
Noa Hernández's Post.
Nahia Macho'sPost. 
Adrián Millan's Post. 
Naroa Mota's Post. 
Lucas Ortega's Post. 
Sergio Primo's Post. 
Hugo Ruiz's Post. 
Paula Salvador's Post. 
Daniel Vilda's Post. 

Year 5B
Daniel Carmona's Post

2nd Task: News about the environment

As you know our project is focused on some of the Sustanaible Development Goals from the United Nations. The title is "Taking care of our world" and we are going to read, investigate, create working about enviromental issues and ecology. In the website created for the project you will have all the information about it and all the final products we are going to do.  

So the 2nd task will be related to "Taking care of our World" and the "Social Media".

The daily aims for the task will be:

  • Lesson 1: Understand the task and look for the news.
  • Lesson 2: Write down the news in the SWAY.
  • Lesson 3: Record the podcast in the SWAY.
  • Lesson 4: Write sentences about food and times, and finish the SWAY.
  • Lesson 5: Prepare post and send it through TEAMS.
  • Lesson 6: Assess your work 


We will divide this task in two parts:


  • STEP 1: Bring a piece of news to the classroom in relation with the environment and the nature.
    • It can be a digital or in paper.
    • It has to be in your mother tongue. 

  • STEP 2: Read the news.

  • STEP 3: Create your own headline to sum up your news in English.
  • Remember how a headline is: short, brief and showy

  • STEP 4: What can you tell about the news. Let's ty to create a short summary about the news including:
    • What does it happen?
    • Where does it happen?
    • When does it happen?

  • STEP 5: Look for a photo related with your new, you will need later for the SWAY.
  • STEP 6: It is moment to take part into this enviromental issue you are talking about.
    • What can I do in this issue? (3 sentences)
    • What can't I do in this issue?  (3 sentences)

You will record a podcast about it reading the different sentences, follow the instructions in the Sway we have given to you.
Tips for the recording:
  • Say Hello
  • Read the sentences you have created for the presentation
  • Say Bye, Bye
  • STEP 7:  Would you like to go on a trip to the place of the new? You need to prepare your backpack and your timetble.
    • Let's write five sentences about the food you need to take with you for a trip to the place in where the news take place.  Use some and any.
    • Let's write seven sentences about the time of your trip.
      • One with the month.
      • Two with days.
      • Four with times.
  • STEP 8: Include all the information into the Sway, you need to make a copy of the one we have given to you
    • At the upper right corner you will have … if you click on Abrir en una nueva pestaña, and then again click on …. Duplicate this SWAY, you will have a new one , please rename it (News about water (Your name))
    • Follow the instructions you will find into the Sway for adding the different subproducts.
    • When you finish remind to remove all the text box and to change your personal data in the title and in the Licence.


We are going to include all of this activity in our digital portfolio so you have to create a post with the following parts:

  1. Introduction
  2. Insert the SWAY
  3. The learning diary:
    • What have I learnt with this task?
    • Did I have to go back on something?
    • How did I learn along this task?
    • What do I want to learn more about?
  1. Farewell

Remember you have to add the tags, to order an classify the information into your blog. This time the tags will be:
  • colsangregorio.
  • RedXXI
  • English
  • Year5
  • eTwinning.
  • News about enviroment. 

Once you have finished you have to submit your task to your teacher using Teams. For that you have to click into the title of your post in the blog and copy and paste your link into the Teams Assigment. 

Teacher's assessment (60% of the final mark)

Self-assesment (40% of the final mark)

Exchange week at Guildford (5th to 9th of March)

The week from 5th to the 9th of March a group of 18 students from Colegio San Gregorio travelled to Guildford to enjoy a week of exchange. It was a great moment as you could check in the following videos and tweets story. 

viernes, 5 de enero de 2018

Eco-Warriors from Holy Trinity Pewley Down School at Guildford (England)

The following presentation introduce the participants of the project from Holy Trinity Pewley Down School at Guildford (England)

Eco - Warriors from Colegio San Gregorio (Aguilar de Campoo, Spain)

In the following presentation the students of Colegio San Gregorio in Aguilar de Campoo (Spain) introduce themselves for their collegues of the project.

And here you can enjoy the personal portfolios of the students in which they introduce themselves.

Year 5A

Amine Ait Lahsouf's Presentation Post
Steven Álvarez's Presentation Post
Alba Arenas' Presentation Post.
Carlos Bravo's Presentation Post.
Ainoha Bustillo's Presentation Post. 
Marta de Dios's Presentation Post. 
Ana García's Presentation Post. 
Ainoha García's Presentation Post. 
Lorena García's Presentation Post. 
Andrés García's Presentation Post. 
Claudia Gómez'z Presentation Post.
Lucía González's Presentation Post. 
Noa Hernández's Presentation Post.
Nahia Macho's Presentation Post. 
Adrián Millan's Presentation Post. 
Naroa Mota's Presentation Post. 
Lucas Ortega's Presentation Post. 
Sergio Primo's Presentation Post. 
Hugo Ruiz's Presentation Post. 
Paula Salvador's Presentation Post. 
Daniel Vilda's Presentation Post. 

Year 5B
Daniel Carmona's Presentation Post